Faculty of
Social & Political Sciences


Community Service

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Universitas Islam Riau

Community Service

Community Service

Community Service is an activity aimed at assisting community through various activities. Generally, this program is designed by various universities in Indonesia to make a tangible contribution to the nation, particularly in advancing the well-being and development of Indonesian people. Community Service activities are one of the components of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

Community Service is one of the pillars of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education (education, research, and community service). Higher education institutions not only provide education to their students but also conduct research, develop innovations, and preserve and advance knowledge that is excellent and beneficial to the community

Community Service Activities

1. Social Services

2. Teaching

Higher education institutions are obligated to conduct Research and Community Service, in addition to providing education in accordance with Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System Article 20. This article emphasizes that Community Service is an activity for academic communities to apply science and technology to advance public welfare and enlighten the nation's life.

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the Universitas Islam Riau

has integrated the mission of FISIPOL UIR in the Quadrant Dharma in the field of Community Service and also involves students in its implementation.


1. Creating technological innovations to drive economic development in Indonesia by commercializing research outcomes

2. Providing solutions based on academic studies to address the needs, challenges, or issues faced by the community, both directly and indirectly

3. Conducting activities capable of uplifting marginalized communities (preferential option for the poor) across all strata, including those marginalized economically, politically, socially, and culturally

4. Transferring technology, knowledge, and arts to the community for the enhancement of human dignity and the conservation of natural resources.


1. The target of community sertvice is the external community in need of assistance and guidance to enhance problem-solving skills to support development. Priority is given to those who hold strategically important positions within the community, including leaders and youth or adolescents capable of multiplying and disseminating the results of community service activities

2. The target includes special education communities, in accordance with priorities in the fields of science, population, and the environment, as well as educational institutions and community organizations that require specific guidance and development.

Universitas Islam Riau

"to be world class islamic university base on iman and takwa"