Faculty of
Social & Political Sciences



Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Universitas Islam Riau


Fakhri Usmita, S.Sos., M.Krim


Riky Novarizal, S.Sos., M.Krim

Secretary of Criminology

The Criminology Study Program of FISIPOL UIR was established in 2005 based on the decision of the Directorate of Higher Education of the Ministry of National Education number 1357/D/T/2005 on 10 May 2005. According to BAN-PT No. 179/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/I/2021 this study programme has Accreditation B.


"Excellence in the development of contemporary crime and deviance studies in western Indonesia with a global outlook based on faith and piety"


  1. Carry out and develop quality and professional education and teaching in the field of criminology related to the problems of contemporary crime and deviance in western Indonesia with a global outlook in accordance with the needs and dynamics of society based on faith and piety.
  2. Carry out and develop research in the field of criminology in the study of crimes and contemporary deviations in western Indonesia with a global outlook based on faith and piety
  3. Carry out and develop community service in the field of criminology in the study of contemporary crimes and deviations in western Indonesia with a global outlook based on faith and piety
  4. Organising Islamic Da'wah based on Bil Lisan, Bil Qalam, Bil Hal and Bil Hikmah

Scientific Objectives

  1. Producing academicians who have superior criminological competence in the field of contemporary crime and deviance studies in western Indonesia with global insights based on faith and piety;
  2. Producing graduates who are able to compete at the national and international levels
  3. Producing quality research in the development of contemporary crime and deviance studies in western Indonesia with global insights and based on faith and piety
  4. Producing research that contributes to solving problems in the life of society, nation and state
  5. Producing community service activities involving lecturers and students that support the development of criminology studies related to contemporary crime and deviance
  6. Producing community service activities in the context of personality development and contributing to overcoming problems in the field of criminology related to contemporary crime and deviance in western Indonesia at the local, national and international levels;
  7. Implementing an education management system that applies the principles of higher education quality assurance, both in input, process and output based on laws and regulations, vision, mission, and basic values of Riau Islamic University.

Universitas Islam Riau

"to be world class islamic university base on iman and takwa"