Faculty of
Social & Political Sciences


Government Science

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Universitas Islam Riau


Dr. Ranggi Ade Febrian, S.IP., M.Si

Head of Government Science

Dr. Andriyus, S.Sos., M.Si

Secretary of Government Science

The Government Science Study Program was established based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 0607/0/1984, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Riau Islamic University became an independent faculty. The departments fostered at that time were State Administration, Commercial Administration, Secretarial, and Government Science. Until now, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences consists of 5 departments, namely the Department of Public Administration, Business Administration, Government Science, Office Administration, and the Department of Criminology.

The Government Science Study Programme is one of the programmes within the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Riau Islamic University, which is currently continuing to improve itself. This is done to respond to changes in various aspects of development, especially the implementation of regional autonomy whose problems are increasingly complex. The Government Science study programme has been accredited "A" based on Certificate Number: 0522/SK/BAN-PT/AKred/5/2016, DATE 20 May 2016.

The dynamics of an increasingly advanced and critical society have led to significant changes in various fields including politics and government. As a result of these developments, the Government Science Study Programme has received great challenges, so there is no other choice but to improve itself, especially in matters relating to curriculum improvement, improving the quality of teaching staff and students. In 2009 based on the Rector's Decree Number 141/UIR/Kpts/2009, the curriculum of the Government Science Study Program was established, but it did not refer to the KKNI standard.

Based on the Rector's Decree Number 344/UIR/Kpts/2015, the curriculum of the Government Science Study Program was established which already refers to KKNI in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI). The curriculum provides students with the opportunity to choose their field of specialisation by presenting elective courses to obtain a graduate profile at that time as government practitioners, social activists, and politicians.

In 2018 the Government Science Study Programme was internationally accredited by ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities).

Based on BAN-PT Decree No. 3181/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/V/2021, dated 21 May 2021 to 21 May 2026, stating that the Government Science Study Program, at the Riau Islamic University Undergraduate Program, Pekanbaru City, has again met the requirements for the A Accreditation rating from BAN-PT.


"The realisation of a Superior and Innovative Government Science Study Programme with Global Competitiveness that Produces Human Resources as Government Practitioners, Government Scientists, and Government Information Technology Experts based on Faith and Taqwa"


  1. Organising education and teaching that is oriented towards achieving graduate profiles as Government Practitioners, Government Scientists, and Government Information Technology Experts
  2. Organising research in accordance with the roadmap of government science studies within the scope of government institutions, government policies, development, empowerment, services, public welfare, government politics, socio-culture, and government information technology;
  3. Organising community service based on collaborative governance;
  4. Establishing cooperation with universities, industry, society, and government at the local, national and international levels oriented towards the development of government science
  5. Organising Islamic preaching, and integrating Islamic values into the tri dharma of higher education.

Scientific Objectives

  1. Producing institutional governance of the Government Science Study Programme that contains the principles of good governance, interactive in services for lecturers, education staff, students, alumni and users;
  2. Producing graduates who master contemporary government studies through the application of a learning system based on technology and information;
  3. Producing research in the field of government that is published in national journals accredited by the Higher Education and international journals indexed by Scopus, indexed by Thomson and indexed by Copernicus;
  4. Producing community service that is directly beneficial to community empowerment and published in community service journals at the internal, national and international levels;
  5. Implementing Islamic values in the tri dharma activities of higher education as evidenced by the application of attitudes and behaviours sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith;
  6. Partnering with national and international universities related to the tri dharma as evidenced by the implementation of the MoA, with the private sector as evidenced by scholarships obtained from CSR for students, with NGOs partnering in collaborative resolution of contemporary issues through national and international seminars, with the government as evidenced by the absorption of Government Science Study Program lecturers as expert staff in various agencies;
  7. Implementing the output of the chess dharma for scientific development and utilisation for the government, business world, and the wider community.

Universitas Islam Riau

"to be world class islamic university base on iman and takwa"