Faculty of
Social & Political Sciences


Strategic Plan and Development

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Universitas Islam Riau

Strategic Plan

The FISIPOL UIR Strategic Plan is an elaboration of the understanding of the Vision and Mission of FISIPOL UIR by taking into account the policies of the Directorate General of Higher Education and other higher education policies. The preparation of this Renstra uses bottom-up and top-down emphasis by involving various units in the faculty, and elements of leadership by taking into account the interests of stakeholders both internal and external by using clear and measurable indicators, making it easier to evaluate.

There are 2 (two) things that are used as the basis for the preparation of this Strategic Plan, the first is the desired situation in the future, and the second is the current condition, including strategic issues regarding the development of Higher Education. Based on these two issues, internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (challenges and obstacles) can be identified. Thus, policies, programs and activities can be prepared as well as implementation strategies towards achieving the goals of FISIPOL UIR.

The development of FISIPOL UIR is directed to become a centre of excellence for higher education, develop science and related disciplines based on morals and ethics, and improve the quality of academic and administrative staff in providing the best, quality and professional services.

"Building the Future of FISIPOL UIR Towards Sustainable Quality Improvement "

Development of Faculty and Study Programs

The policy for the development of faculties and study programs is pursued by:

  1. Increasing the presence of academic staff in classrooms.
  2. Periodic evaluations by students and per group.
  3. Providing special funding for journal publications in each program.
  4. Enhancing the quality of graduates through the refinement of syllabi, semester exam assessment systems, and comprehensive exam assessment systems as well as thesis defenses.
  5. Development of flagship areas for specific faculties and study programs.

Development of Physical Facilities

The policy for the development of physical facilities is pursued by:

  1. Reducing the ratio between administrative space and academic space.
  2. Reducing the ratio between teaching staff and administrative staff.
  3. Implementing resource sharing.
  4. Enhancing maintenance systems.
  5. Seeking special funds for maintenance.
  6. Constructing counters in each lecture building to facilitate services for teaching staff conducting teaching activities.
  7. Building audio-visual rooms for seminar activities and guest lectures.

Universitas Islam Riau

"to be world class islamic university base on iman and takwa"